It is all about the image...

Red Tea and Roses 30 x 36
Los Ojos Winds - Storm Approaches 30 x 40
Twighlight Reflections 20 x 24
Art of Painting Blog
Musings and More from Don Sahli…
It is all about the image. The image is so important. Here are a few paintings, or in other words an image, they have been coming to mind, these images so much more meaningful than words. I had hoped to get back to the blog sooner, but what can I say, I’m a painter so I painted. Always, I am trying to convey the drama and emotion of place or setting that first captured my attention. I think these three paintings illustrate my point. Here are some words that might help to explain the images… these words are mine. I wonder what do the images say to you the viewer?
In Red Tea and Roses, you will find a painting in a painting inspired by a painting…the Zakharov hangs in the Beaver Creek Fine Art Gallery. I set up a still life in front of it and used the Zakharov as the background; and any Zakharov is inspiration for any painter. Notice the real flowers are warm and the painted Zakharov flowers are cool, creating contrast and interest.
Painters used to go to museums and study and copy the masters, this is done little now. So I am honored to have the opportunity to study and copy the Zakharov in the gallery.
Painters used to go to museums and study and copy the masters, this is done little now. So I am honored to have the opportunity to study and copy the Zakharov in the gallery.
Los Ojos Winds – Storm Approaches captures the New Mexico village of Los Ojos, a favorite place of mine from long ago. Years ago, I “grew up” as painter there. Now many of the old historic buildings are gone – only memories – but still rich in my mind. I remember waiting the torment of the approaching storm to pass. Its fury and strength were impressive, with the strong winds and colorful play of light and shadow. A great feast this was for a painter. As the storm passed, I remember the incredible calm and sweet smell of rain! A great memory!
Twilight Reflections is a strong colorful painting with much emotion. This painting was painted from memory and from a small sketch done quickly on a piece of cardboard. I have kept this small study for many years. Each time I see it the memory is still so strong – like it just happened – a dramatic moment in time, when the sun sets and the light “explodes” before it fades away. It happens so strong and powerful in a moment of quickness, it lasts only in a memory. Working from my emotions of long ago I painted Twilight Reflections; now it lasts for others to view and be inspired.
I hope you enjoyed the view as well as the musings about my most recent work. I will be musing and painting as the journey continues.
Labels: Don Sahli, learn to paint, oil painting, plein air, still life, workshops