Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Art of Painting...the three rules...

Art of Painting Blog
Musings and More from Don Sahli…

Art of Painting is not the only way to paint. The Art of Painting does take much hard work, discipline; it is a long journey full of many questions to ponder.

There are many other ways available, ways with formulas and rules to follow. Along the way you will meet many who have gimmicks and easy formulas to follow. I see them as very limiting and shallow. If every painting is “built” the same way, using the same technique over and over, there will be a “sameness” to the work. And maybe that is what you want…it’s not for me.

Every rule or guideline is judged and if found to be false – discarded. We have the law of gravity. It is proven the apple always falls from the tree…except in space. Newton was correct and his law cannot be broken when gravity is present.

If you want to be a painter in the truest sense – following Art of Painting philosophy – test the rules and formulas. If the rule or formula fails; it is to be discarded. In Art of Painting I know of only three rules. The rest is up to my observation of each individual situation.

The only three rules that I have found stand up to the test (and you can bet your life on them) are:

Start in your darkest dark! Always! This will key the painting.

O’Fallon Bridge 20 x 24
(Yes, that’s the spot where I started the painting)

Warm Light – Cool Shadows
If the light source is warm, all objects hit by this light will be
warmer than the shadows of these objects.

Azure Shadows 24 x 20
(Even the name suggests cool shadows)

Cool Light – Warm Shadows
If the light source is cool, all objects being hit by this light will be
cooler than the shadows of these objects.

Spring Lilacs Before the Window 30 x 24
(Cool light envelopes this still life, shadows are warm)

Aah, there’s the rub, the rules, the formula…could make the journey easier, less of a challenge; but would it make one the best painter. It takes training to learn to “see”, to build the confidence in that ability.

Enough for today, in the next posts, let’s talk about why some of “rules” painters may think are “rules” are not. Until then continue on the journey…I will be.


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Thursday, July 2, 2009

Art of Painting is not the only way to paint; but...

Art of Painting Blog
Musings and More from Don Sahli…

Cool Light, Yellow Chair 30 x 24

After a bit of diversion, we come back to Art of Painting. Over the next few entries, I hope to share and offer enlightenment on this philosophy of painting.

Art of Painting is specific in its goals of continually learning and growing. Rules and formulas are minimal. Every situation, every scene being painted is unique. The goal is to “see” and understand the relationship of color, value and temperature present in that scene. Sky is not just blue, apple not just any red. It is the relationship held between the apple and the sky and the tree etc. How they relate to each other, how they harmonize like voices in a choir. Hopefully working together; like musical notes in a melody; which come together to form a symphony. The entire relationship of color depends one on another – their relationship and harmony.

This is painting and the art there of – Art of Painting. There are no rules but the eye needs to be trained to see these relationships and sometimes subtle harmony.

Art of Painting is, in my opinion, the highest level to be attained as an artist. Not that great poetry is any lesser. Not that a masterfully played violin sonata is lesser. Speaking about the visual arts, the image created based on Art of Painting philosophy is the acme of the journey.

This is why I have devoted myself to the craft, my painting. It is why I teach – it is why I have the need to paint! It is because I have too. It is my gift, my passion.

So again, this is not the only way to paint. If you are looking for a hobby please look else where…if you are looking for a way to learn paint with rules and formulas: i.e. “to make color of apple, use one part this and mix with two parts that” please, please look else where. I will not even be able to teach you to “paint” but I can teach you how to “see” as my teacher did for me and his teacher before him and so on.

So if you have the desire to be a painter…to be an artist…please continue. The journey really has no destination. As with life, the goal is the journey.

That’s the musing for today, and sooner than later look for more thoughts to ponder and ideas to consider as the journey continue.


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